Practice Tips: Inspiration and Reminders to help you become a Great Speaker

Friday, August 7, 2009


Look how engaged each of these
children are!

Play involves the whole being - body and mind - together expressing the inner spirit.

Remember when you were a kid?

When we are at play we are intensely focused, full of self expression, energy, humor, passion, daring, and wit. This is just the kind of excitement that makes a speech a great speech and a speaker a great speaker.

The key to bringing play into your presentations is to understand your audience and then brainstorm how you can get that particular audience to play with you. Their participation will increase their understanding of your core message and increase the likelihood that they will your message to others. It will empower them!

What do you think their learning style is? Left-brainers will need a sturdy structure and clear facts to back up your theories, but they also enjoy language humor and like to show off their own knowledge with quizzes and challenges. Right-brainers tend to prefer stories, role-plays, pictures, and participatory exercises. Don't assume that they will be content sitting there, just listening to your ideas and opinions. Get them involved, be playful - give them things to do, and support their participation.

It may at first seem like more work but you will soon see that play will lighten your load, energize your audience and help them learn your core message in a much deeper and enjoyable way.

And if you'd like to try this out, to practice this yourself - join us at our new workshop sessions coming up on August 13th-15th - Look for info at

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