Practice Tips: Inspiration and Reminders to help you become a Great Speaker

Monday, July 12, 2010


Isn't MOJO is a great word!  Energy, dynamism, magic, power, finesse, excitement, charisma - all of these are part of the meaning of that word. Originally related to a Voodo or Hoodo spiritual practice, it has come to mean a kind of personal charm that is mesmerizing. Muddy Watters, the great blues man made a song about MOJO famous.

Look at the guy in this picture.  See how much energy is in his gaze?  See how expectant he is to get a response from you?  See how engaging he is?  He's got his MOJO working.

You, too, can discover your own brand of MOJO.  I say discover because we all have a seed of it and it is up to us to find it, to nurture it, to exercise it, develop it so that we can use it to help us communicate our messages to our audiences.  Each of us is unique and so is our potential MOJO  It is related to pleasure and the joys of sharing it with others.  It is the fire in our belly. It is part of our branding.  It might be a particular way we like to begin and/or end our presentations.  It might be the level and style of interaction that you plan into each presentation.  It might be the kind of humor you use or the stories you tell. 

The very next time you make a presentation, see where you can express your MOJO.  GET IT WORKING FOR YOU!

This coming weekend we will be doing a workshop that will teach you how to identify you MOJO - check it out here.

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